I dont know if you'll be able to read the scan, but basically this story is about a tooth who gets a cavity, which is pretty much the equivalent of cancer in tooth world, and getting the cavity drilled is like getting a lobotomy.
Wow! That's seriously a really creative idea, and I like the little faces you drew on them. I have a weird interest in teeth, so this story is right up my alley. Great job! :D
Death tooth's coming to getcha! Did you draw all of these? You've got talent, man. You can make a comic strip about all the other teeth meeting together and taking about their problems. That would be funnier!
I is a cartooning major von SVA and I spawn from the depths of the digestive track of mutant ninja turtles and is forced to draw horrible pictures so that she may not starve or be forced to go back home for her mother's home cooked meals.
Wow! That's seriously a really creative idea, and I like the little faces you drew on them. I have a weird interest in teeth, so this story is right up my alley. Great job!
Death tooth's coming to getcha! Did you draw all of these? You've got talent, man. You can make a comic strip about all the other teeth meeting together and taking about their problems. That would be funnier!
Pierre Cardan
My daughter's Tooth Fairy is gonna hand Death tooth its sentence! LOL.
@Pierre: Ya, he can make an artistic storyline out of those frames.
Jenna Schrock
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