its junior year at SVA and that means thesis time. im not really sure how to feel about my thesis class this year. i actually work in class now which is odd since usually ive spent that time last year silently crying to myself abt how horrible i am at art or disracting myself from my inner turmoil by acting stupid with friends. my teacher this year is eh. he knows his shit and hes an excellent teacher when it comes to learning text bookish things about comics and techniques but i dont really like his teaching style or his critiques. this makes me sad bc hes super super hot and i really want to love him as a teacher but i dont think thats possible. hes not pushing me to be the best i can be. im harder on myself than he is. and my visual story telling is suffering real bad because of it. or it would if i didnt have a bf whos awesome at visual story telling. i also dont like that he spends so much time going over the readings he sends us via email that he never has any time to critique us one on one. hes always rushing and usually he doesnt even make it to everyone before the end of class. we used to have partner critiques and i always got partnered with this dipshit who couldnt help me at all. then i complained and it changed. but still i really feel like im on my own in this class. its too late to switch out tho :/ maybe i should just stay after class like ian so i can really have an in depth discussion abt my work.
dis some of my pencils. im doing a sci-fi futuristic dystopian velveteen rabbit thing.
idk why its turning my pics on the side.. its very annoying. ill try to fix it later.

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