I dont know if you'll be able to read the scan, but basically this story is about a tooth who gets a cavity, which is pretty much the equivalent of cancer in tooth world, and getting the cavity drilled is like getting a lobotomy.
So this update is well over due. The sky pirate comic is finally blossoming into more than just a jumbled mess of thought and a few rough sketches. yay! I did a bunch of monster concept art. soon all the concept art will be out of the way and I can finally get to drawing the actual thumbnails. I also have another comic I'm working on as kind of a practice comic. I'll make a separate blog entry for that right after this. woot organization (kind of).
I is a cartooning major von SVA and I spawn from the depths of the digestive track of mutant ninja turtles and is forced to draw horrible pictures so that she may not starve or be forced to go back home for her mother's home cooked meals.